Zalo Sea Star Hotel Phan Thiet
Message Sea Star Hotel Phan Thiet

With famous architectures, beautiful islands and vast national parks and delicious cuisine

On the afternoon of October 14, Tuoi Tre Newspaper cooperated with the Vietnam Culinary Culture Association and the People's Committee of Nam Dinh Province to hold a press conference for the program "Pho Day" on December 12.
18/10/2022 1538 lượt xem
Home Handbook

1. Co Thach Beach

Top 8 địa điểm du lịch Bình Thuận

Also known as "seven-colored stone beach", Co Thach is located in Tuy Phong district, Binh Thuan province. This coast is famous for its unique colored and shaped stones stretching across the sea. Along with the emerald green sea, this place is curious for many believers moved by this yes-1-no-2 scene.
As one of the most beautiful landscapes in Binh Thuan, the rocky beach also has large rocks covered with green moss. Usually, mid-March is when the moss is the most covered, creating a picturesque landscape when mixed with natural sunlight. Therefore, you can not always catch this special scene. In order not to miss the "moss hunting season", please note that you should book your hotel room in Binh Thuan as soon as possible, lest the price escalate!
Mossy beach at Co Thach beach

Bãi rêu tại biển Cổ Thạch

The rare mossy beach scene can only be seen in March every year.
Colorful stones at Co Thach beach
Colorful stones when the sun shines on
2. Blower field
Not only 1 but Binh Thuan has 3 fan fields for you to freely "live virtual" during your trip (Tuy Phong, Dai Phong and Phu Quy island). In particular, the field in Tuy Phong attracts the most followers because of its large area (about 400ha), easy to move and extremely beautiful nature.
Although it is a new check-in coordinate for young people, these fan fields still attract a lot of visitors because of the beautiful European-like scenery with blue sky, white clouds and spreading lawns. In particular, Tuy Phong also has artichoke flowers that bloom brightly in October - March next year.
Fansipan field in Binh Thuan

Góc nào tại cánh đồng quạt gió Bình Thuận cũng đẹp

The "virtual living" background could not be better in Binh Thuan's fan field. @Ha Huyen
Every corner in Binh Thuan's fan field is beautiful
Every corner of the field produces beautiful photos.
Fan fields on Phu Quy island
Fan fields on Phu Quy island.
3. Ong Dia rock beach
The stone beach is located in Ham Tien ward, Phan Thiet city and about 10km from the city center. Therefore, you can travel by motorbike or car. This place is famous for its chain of pristine beaches and many interesting folk stories handed down by the people.
The name "Ong Dia" was originally given by the people because this place has a rocky outcrop, shaped like the land and facing the mainland. Even the image of the local man here is considered a belief for the lucky and safe sailing trips of fishermen.
Ong Dia rock beach at
The scene of "love" is seen from Ong Dia rock.
Ong Dia rock beach seen from above

Bãi đá Ông Địa tại

View of the rocky beach from above.

Bãi đá Ông Địa nhìn từ trên cao

As a clean and airy Binh Thuan tourist destination, this place allows you to enjoy swimming, taking photos and playing games such as paragliding, jet skiing or surfing. In addition, the rocky beach also gathers fisherman's basket boats. You can also support the people by buying fresh seafood from them and enjoy the famous Binh Thuan dishes here too.

Bánh tráng chấm mắm ruốc tại bãi đá Ông Địa

Sunset at Ong Dia rock beach
Welcoming the sunset at Ong Dia rock beach.
Rice paper dipped in fish sauce at Ong Dia rock beach
Do not miss the very famous rice paper with fish sauce at Ong Dia rock.
4. Cape Ke Ga

Hải đăng cổ Kê Gà nhìn từ xa

As the name suggests, Ke Ga gathers many unique shaped stones that are accidentally folded into the shape of a chicken's head. About 30km from the center of Phan Thiet, this is an interesting place to stop after the "bombardment" at check-in locations in Binh Thuan.
Ke Ga ancient lighthouse seen from afar
Not only has a rock garden, but Ke Ga also has pristine beaches with clear blue water and the oldest lighthouse in Southeast Asia dating back to the French colonial period. The best time to explore this place is before 17:00 every day because this is the time when sunset falls on Ke Ga and the shuttle boat will stop operating after this time frame.
Due to the lack of strong tourism, there are not many places to stay here. Therefore, you should find a hotel room near Ke Ga early. At the same time, there are no flights to Binh Thuan from major cities in the country, so you can only get here by road or rail.
Clear blue sea water at Ke Ga

Nước biển xanh trong tại Kê Gà

Ke Ga Cape is wild and green
Nature at Ke Ga cape is still wild and green all year round.
5. Bau Trang
This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Binh Thuan. Only about 60km from the center of Phan Thiet, Bau Trang is a collection of sand hills and many lakes filled with lotuses. Therefore, this place is also favored by the tourism association with the name "sub-Saharan" in the heart of Binh Thuan.

Bàu Trắng - Một trong những địa điểm du lịch Bình Thuận được yêu thích nhất

With that impressive "view", although the road is quite sparse, sunny and few trees, it is still visited by many people. The best time to visit Bau Trang is the summer months when the weather is the driest and the lotus flowers are in full bloom.
Bau Trang - One of the most favorite tourist destinations in Binh Thuan
As the name suggests, Bau Trang is a collection of extremely fine sand dunes.
Check-in at Bau Trang

Check-in tại Bàu Trắng

The road from Phan Thiet to Bau Trang is quite sparse, so you need to prepare sunscreen.
Having set foot in Bau Trang, you must definitely try the sand games such as off-road motorcycles, sandboarding, boating, jeeps, etc. One thing you need to keep in mind is that Bau Trang does not have many eateries/restaurants. . Therefore, you should prepare food - drinks in advance.
Sand dunes at Bau Trang

Đồi cát tại Bàu Trắng